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HomeFashion9 women voted the most beautiful in the world

9 women voted the most beautiful in the world

The most beautiful women in the world, according to the acclaimedPeoplemagazine , are certainly among the most beautiful of all.The magazine’s award is something that everyone takes into account and serves to pay (even more) attention to the beauty of some celerities.

As is the case with dearJulia Roberts, who even at the age of 49 won the award.It just goes to show how time helps some people.Julia is also the record holder, winning 5 times.

Let’s see who are the women who were elected the most beautiful in the world byPeoplemagazine .Remembering that the list is not in order, we only put the most beautiful ones, it is up to you to decide who is the most beautiful among them.Good reading!

9 – Beyonce

The 37-year-old singer has been among the most beautiful women in the world for a long time.In 2012, she was chosen by Peoplemagazineas the most beautiful in the world.

In 2012 she competed with KateMiddleton, Sofia Vergara, Charlize Theronamong other women who were among the most beautiful.

8 – Jennifer Lopez

In the year of her divorce, she dragged the title of the most beautiful in the world, in 2011.

Ela foi aprimeiramulher cantora e latina a ganhar a premiação de mais bonita. A cantora com ascendência porto-riquenha passou a atrair a atenção do público não só por seu talento com a música, mas também com sua beleza. Sem dúvidas ela mereceu o título!

7 – Halle Berry

A atriz norte-americana é ganhadora de importantes prêmios na industria cinematográfica:Oscar, Emmy, Globo de Ouro, SAG Award e Urso de Prata.

Halle possui um marco em sua vida, carreira e no mundo, pois em 2001, ao ganhar oOscar, ela se tornou aprimeira mulher negrada história a levar o prêmio.
Ela também foi a primeira mulher negra a ganhar o título de mulher mais bonita, eleita pelaPeople.

6 – Lupita Nyong’o

A primeira atriz queniano-mexicana da história a ganhar oOscar de Melhor Atriz Coadjuvantefoi Lupita. Ela ganhou pela participação no filme“12 Anos de Escravidão”. Ela também participou de filmes como‘Vingadores: Guerra Infinita’ e ‘Pantera Negra’.

Em 2014 a revistaPeopleelegeu ela como a mulher mais bonita do mundo.

5 – Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts é arecordistaentre as mulheres que foram eleitas. Ela já acumula5 prêmios: 1991, 2000, 2005, 2010 e 2017.

Em 2017, mesmo aos 49 anos, a atriz esbanjava beleza. Na sua primeira premiação ela tinha 23 anos, quando havia acabado de participar do filme‘Uma Linda Mulher’.

4 – Drew Barrymore

The actress who soon showed her talent to the whole world, had her beauty stamped on the cover of the magazine in 2007.

She participated in features such as‘ET- The Extraterrestrial’, ‘Four Women and a Destiny’, ‘Everyone Says I Love You’among others.
She had a troubled childhood, hampered by addictions to alcohol and drugs, being admittedto rehab clinicsmore than once.Drew, later wrote his biography, from then on gained prominence in the world of cinema.

3 – Courteney Cox

Monica from the series ‘Friends‘ was elected the most beautiful in the world in1996.While starring inthe sitcom, the actress was admired for her unusual beauty.Chandler really was a lucky guy!

Ela teve sua primeira indicação aoGlobo de Ouropela participação nasitcom‘Cougar Town’. Hoje a atriz de 54 anos faz trabalhos ainda como atriz, mas foca em dirigir seus próprios trabalhos.

2 – Michelle Pfeiffer

Aprimeiravencedora da história pela revista People, foi a atriz Michelle Pfeiffer. Ela recebeu o título em1990, voltando a ganhar em1999.

She has received several awards for performances such as theGolden Globe and Silver Bear, has also had3 Oscar nominations.She was considered one of the most talented women of her generation, she playedSelina Kylein the movie‘Batman Returns’, directed by Tim Burton in 1992.

1 – Nicole Kidman

In 2003, the Australian actress took theOscar for Best Actressfor her performance in ‘The Hours‘.But in addition to achievements for performances, the actress is also very beautiful, taking the title of most beautiful in the world in the same year.

She acted in small roles at the beginning of her career in Australia, until in 1989 she participated in the thriller‘Dead Calm’, being noticed by Hollywood.



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