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Top 10: Muses of Nintendo platforms

Remember the time when women in video games were, at best, a pixelated girl next to a terrifying gorilla waiting to be saved. What a tragedy isn’t it? Fortunately, today the reality is different and they have already conquered this space. Whether fighting, racing, platforming or shooting games, they’re there, ready to kick ass and show who’s boss. Today’s Top 10 will talk about the 10 most beautiful, sensual and intelligent characters that have passed (and made history) on Nintendo platforms. So get your bib ready because the countdown is about to begin!

To make the Top 10 fairer, only one muse per franchise was allowed.*sex

10. Marle (Chrono Trigger)

Marle2All it took was a “bumper” between the two protagonists of Chrono Trigger for fans to fall in love with the beautiful Marle , the princess of Guardia. Beautiful, funny, docile and charismatic, Marle is a character in the right measure, without exaggerations and stereotypes, typical of female characters of that time, but without seeming completely dull. Marle is a sweetheart.

In addition to all these qualities, she can still be seen as the reason for all the events of Chrono Trigger and, instead of acting like a helpless princess, she goes to fights and demonstrates the feminine claw, not letting herself down at any time. Marle is that kind of strong girl, who gets everything she wants, takes care of herself and owns her own nose, not following orders. She is girl power to the fullest.

9. Mia Fey (Phoenix Wright)

Mia_feyIn the first episode of the first Ace Attorney , aspiring lawyers are introduced to one of the greatest muses of the Nintendo DS: Mia Fey . Beautiful, sensual, graceful and above all intelligent, she is the wise voice that will help the player overcome some of the main difficulties that arise in the life of a rookie lawyer.

Determined and courageous, the beautiful Mia oozes sensuality and charisma, and can be seen in different ways, depending on the player. Some may see her as a “mother”, some as a “sister” and some as a “partner”. What matters is that her presence alone (even if directly from beyond) brings us that relieved sigh… for several reasons!

8. Palutena (Kid Icarus)

PalutenaPalutena is a goddess, in the literal sense of the word. A fictional goddess, but still a goddess. Unlike other muses, who transport themselves through the beyond or who fight on their own, she is no athlete or warrior, restricting herself to only helping the young angel Pit , from Kid Icarus , but that doesn’t mean she thinks that her job is the easier, quite the opposite.

Named after the Greek goddess Pallas Athena , the beautiful Palutena took a 20-plus-year hiatus before returning to consoles through a brief cameo in Super Smash Bros. Brawl . The beautiful and kind Goddess of Light is the one who rules the realm of Angel Land, and she is the one who guards the Three Sacred Treasures. She still maintains a certain rivalry with the terrible Medusa , mainly thanks to her unparalleled kindness and sense of justice.

Palutena may have been missing for too long, but her beautiful participation in the original Kid Icarus and In Of Myths and Monsters , together with her great return in Uprising , proved that time only did her good and put her back in the minds of nintenistas.

7. Ada Wong (Resident Evil)

There are peopleJill Valentine and Claire Redfield forgive me, but Ada Wong is the great muse of Resident Evil. Mysterious, beautiful and fragile looking, Ada is what we know by the term femme fatalle . With a nice arsenal of tricks and a sculptural body, it’s easy to understand why Leon fell for her twice, isn’t it? And who wouldn’t?

Always with her beautiful legs on display and showing off her acrobatic skills, anti-hero Ada is the kind of woman not to be trusted, but hard to resist. Having a dark past, it is difficult to know when we will meet her again, I can only say that I hope it will be very soon.

6. Joanna Dark (Perfect Dark)

Joanna Dark , or Jo, is another femme fatale on the list, a powerful woman capable of getting everything she wants, even if it’s by force. The beautiful spy had as her primary mission to replace the ugly old James Bond as the main choice of FPS fans on the Nintendo 64 . Needless to say, it was a very easy mission, right?

The spy spares no effort to seduce everyone and does so in a very discreet way. Joanna doesn’t need to appeal to the use of short clothes or the absence of them to be sensual. Opting for an aggressive style, which is very reminiscent of Nikita, from the homonymous film, she is a femme fatale, dangerous, but very, very seductive. It’s a real tragedy that we haven’t seen her again.

5. Terra Branford (Final Fantasy)

TerraBranford-DissidiaFinalFantasyAnyone who has played Final Fantasy VI (SNES/GBA), at least for an hour, must have been curious to know who that enigmatic girl was who knew how, mysteriously, to cast spells. It’s called Terra Branford .

Even if only represented by a few pixels, she soon became one of the most popular female images among SNES owners and came to be considered, by many, as the best Final Fantasy protagonist of all time. Also, Terra is beautiful, intelligent and very mysterious, always arousing the player’s curiosity.

Among the various facts that explain why Terra is what she is, we find in her family tree: she is the daughter of a magical being (an Esper) and a human. Her past, full of dark stories and rigid training, made her a somewhat emotionally shaken girl. However, her sweetness and delicacy kept the muse that existed in her.

4. Chun Li (Street Fighter)

Always with her beautiful and advantageous pair of legs on display, Chun Li is the first female image that comes to mind when one thinks of Street Fighter .

Sweet, beautiful and very strong, Chun Li was one of the main responsible for the popularization of women in fighting games, whether for these reasons mentioned or for others…

Chun Li is best known for her sculpted body and perfect face. Capcom , aware of the character ‘s *sex appeal, is constantly increasing a few measures here and there. Unfortunately they sometimes go too far, but Chun Li is still one of the hottest fighters in the world and one of the most interesting. Lucky (or not) the guys who can feel the strength of those legs.

3. Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)

Princess_Zelda_Artwork_2_(Skyward_Sword) (1)Okay, this one is just a girl waiting to be saved, but so what? Zelda also makes her contribution to the story: she has already destroyed conspiracies, was a pirate and even a spirit, and the entire legend of Zelda revolves (too) around her.

Strong, intelligent and determined, the owner of the triforce of wisdom has been reincarnated several times, always maintaining her beautiful face, impressive charisma and exemplary kindness, being a true princess, or almost what we can call a matriarch for the kingdom of Hyrule.

Like other maidens of her time, Zelda started her story at Nintendo as the ultimate reward for the player after a long and difficult journey, but over the years she ended up gaining personality and a very important participation in Link’s journeys and in the lives of fans. from the series. Zelda may not harbor stereotypes of other muses, such as strong *sex appeal, but she is still a great muse and certainly one of the strongest female images among nintenistas.

2. Princess Peach (Mario)

imagesShe may even have a cartoonish look reminiscent of Disney princesses, but there’s no denying that Peach is a bit of a badass. Just look at some recent images in Mario sports games, which deviate a little from the maiden pattern, to understand why the famous plumber has been courting her for almost 30 years.

Even with a timid start, Peach soon won the hearts of fans, appearing as a controllable character in Mario’s second western adventure and earning his own game for the Nintendo DS. Today, alongside Mario and other Big N figures, Peach has become an icon, either for the famous phrase that refers to her (“Thank you Mario, but our princess is in another castle!”), or for the captivating design or even enviable charisma.

1. Samus Aran (Metroid)

Think of the poor kids who spent days playing Metroid  (NES) in an attempt to get as many clothes out of Samus as possible , all at a time when she was still a pixelated blonde. Now turn your mind to the new blonde, busty Samus on the Wii. Do you know how much this mercenary messes with people’s imagination? If not, go get it now.

Samus emerged at a time when women held positions of “damsels in distress” and showed that they too could be real badass . Surprising many, who expected anything but a girl coming out of that Power Suit , Samus demonstrated the strength of girl power and made room for several other women, muses or not, in an area that was predominantly male.

The mercenary has changed her look numerous times, but on every occasion she maintains a beautiful curvy body, capable of making anyone play Metroid again looking for a shorter time (what I call the replay factor). As he spends a large part of the game inside his Power Suit, it is difficult to visualize the 1.90 m woman who can twist into a ball shape to adjust to the Morph Ball , but just look at her Zero Suit version to see that she is the true great muse of Nintendo.

In today’s Top 10 we remember beautiful characters that made history in the Nintendo universe. Whether playable characters, sidekicks or just damsels in distress, these girls have become true muses and recurring images in the minds of every nintendo player, whether old school or novice. Is that you? Did you miss any characters on the list? Do you think any exchange could have been made? Give your opinion in the comments.*sex



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