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HomeTechTop 10 - The Most Beautiful Video Game Characters Games

Top 10 – The Most Beautiful Video Game Characters Games

Well, I had a lack of idea of ​​a post to write. Although I would have many subjects to discuss at that moment, with this politicking of the pandemic and the vaccine, I start to run out of patience to write about these things. After all, not a few times I end up getting into very heated arguments with certain people, whether over the Internet or even live (despite the distance and masks), where I find myself trying to reason with idiots. More and more I conclude that certain things are really not discussed, because it is impossible to have an discussion with creatures who have chosen to give up their intelligence or who live their lives guided only by ideology…

With that, I decided to come today with a lighter theme, and one that I actually owed for centuries. Something I like to write about on my blog is about video games, which have brought me a lot of fun on weekends and vacations in the past, and which I revisit from time to time here on my computer. All this with two main types of posts: mainly I do the reviews, which I end up assembling in a very detailed way (and which take the work of writing and taking the images), which are cool to remember the games I like and the classics of yore, but I’ve always wanted to post lists, which is the other type I like to write. After all, they are relatively simpler to make and cover different games. And they usually end up being more controversial, because a personal list always makes room for someone to disagree with this or that one I mentioned and/or left out.

The most curious thing of all is that I made lists with relatively little mentioned topics. I don’t remember seeing anyone listing spaceships, I think I even saw some that talked about game bosses (usually fighting), and original plots was something I guess that was unique, a very original subject. But, on the other hand, more popular lists I ended up not making… and I think you can already imagine what kind of list I am referring to.

Interesting how I hadn’t made a post with the list of the nicest female characters in all video games. There is no more popular list, any site specializing in games or even blogs like mine have been doing this for a long time. I think it was time to do something similar around here, don’t you think? So, let’s meet the ten most beautiful characters in video games, in the opinion of this simple badger.

First of all, the list is personal, it reflects my opinion. I’m sure anyone who comes here will disagree with my list, commenting on things like “but you forgot so-and-so!” or “what do you mean, this one doesn’t even deserve to be on a list”. You can agree or disagree, but don’t complain. If anyone is so disgusted with my choices… make your own list, here in the comments or on your page, and be happy.

Finally, before bringing the list itself, let’s indicate some “rules”. I decided to put it now in order of preference, different from the last two lists, in which I only launched randomly. Another thing I’ll do is consider at most one character from each game series, in order to diversify a little more. I also say that only characters will enter this listof games I’ve actually played, so some that appear in more recent productions, like The Witcher and Overwatch, won’t make it here. Finally, I chose to consider only video game characters exclusively, leaving out superheroines and other comic book characters, such as Psylocke and Poison Ivy, as well as those that were represented by real actresses in the videos that are always in the games, such as the women of Need for Speed ​​(by the way).

Without further ado, time to start the list.
10th position – Angel – King of Fighters

Although Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat have always been the most famous fighting games, there is still a legion of fans who enjoy the King of Fighters series. It wasn’t one of my favorites, but I thought the idea of ​​putting together a team was cool, very original and allowing for very curious combinations, with the most bizarre characters (like that guy with his hair standing on end who provoked opponents by saying a porrrrra). Nothing fairer than having a representative of the series that brought together characters from several SNK games on this list, such as the curvaceous Angel.

And I’ll start by showing that I don’t follow fads, because in a list like this 99% of people would choose Mai Shiranui and her bouncy breasts. I think she’s too exaggerated… I was in doubt among some other fighters, but I ended up going with Angel, with her otherworldly outfit. Seriously, it looks like she just ripped her pants and is fine with it. A little dirty curiosity, according to SNK she has a bigger bust than Mai Shiranui. Hard to resist these gravity-defying globes.

9th position – Rinoa – Final Fantasy VIII

I never really liked Final Fantasy RPGs. I don’t know why, you can curse me at will. The only chapter of the series that I played was the eighth, considered by many to be one of the worst in the franchise. And to top it off, I still come here and nominate the angelic Rinoa for the list, the one that fans think is one of the worst protagonists. Well, some will say I’m shit and I have bad taste; I answer that I like what I want, and I don’t follow the majority.

But I think she’s cute. Whether in that scene from the prom game, in which she charms Squall, the game’s protagonist (also considered one of the worst in the series), or in several opportunities where she tries to break through the hero’s cold and silent exterior. I think that because of this affectionate personality and her sweet way, she is worthy of being on this list. Another point that stands out is that it has an unconventional beauty, without the exaggerated proportions that only exist in the video game, and much closer to reality. Something very rare in games, usually created for a male audience, appealing to the eroticized look.

8th position – Jade – Mortal KombatWell, I understand that in the first chapters of the bloody fighting game it wouldn’t make much difference between choosing Kitana, Mileena or Jade, as they were exactly the same, only the color changed. Showing that Mortal Kombat used and abused different color palettes of the same character. But over the course of the series, especially in the more recent games, each of them started to gain a more individual look, and with that the green ninja started to be the most flashy in my opinion. Again, I understand that a lot of people won’t agree, but the list is mine.

Although she was, among the three ninjas, the one I could play the least, I never learned to use her special moves well, like boomerangs and kicks. But that doesn’t stop Jade from having her charm, she looks like an Indian (politically correct, don’t bother me) with her since green swimsuit, even more so when she’s wearing her ninja mask. In a game where the female characters were made in an overly way, in my opinion she stands out.

7th position – Mieu – Phantasy Start III

I know… they’ll call me a heretic for putting Phantasy Star, SEGA’s RPG, above Final Fantasy. And even more for seeking the third game in the series, the most hated by players. But this is actually my favorite , because of its original and engaging story, not to mention the brilliant idea of ​​playing with three generations of the royal family that stars in the game. And that is accompanied from the beginning by two androids, being that Mieu is one of them.

Blending well the sweet and sweet Japanese character style but who is also a fierce fighter, she is extremely caring and human, even though she is a robot. Mieu has healing powers that help in the most difficult times and in combat she uses sharp claws that come out of her hands. That is, a female and robotic version of Wolverine. Although she doesn’t appear much in actual in-game images, the few she does appear (such as in her profile picture) or in some official images from an in-game art book, she demonstrates an almost angelic sweetness, simply irresistible.

6th position – Helena – Dead or Alive

There is no shortage of fighting games, some more popular than others. And there are games that are relatively famous for something other than the fight itself, like Dead or Alive. For this game is recognized as the one full of beautiful women, in skimpy clothes and with their bouncy bazingas. So much so that it spawned a series based on beach volleyball. But here I come to talk about the fighting game, which had its interesting points (like throwing your opponent off the cliff or fighting Ninja Gaiden from Nintendinho). And that also had the charming Helena on the selection screen.

Once again I chose a character that is not unanimous. But in my opinion she had a different beauty, a classic style. Perhaps because it was associated with the opera, which was the setting where Helena fought. Like the other fighters, she had perfect curves, the kind that only exist in games created by japanese perverts, and she was extremely nice with her second uniform, the white and blue one as shown in the picture.


5th position – Haruna – Kantai Collection

As I said in the post about the game, Haruna does that cuti-cuti style, the typical girl you would be happy to introduce to your parents, this one is for getting married. Of the four sisters in the Kongou class, she is the sweetest, most delicate and affectionate, and there is no way to resist a girl like that. Of course, all this was only noticed after the animated series, but considering that it was created by the game’s developers, it’s understandable that it’s just that. Very cute, especially with her peculiar way of always speaking in the third person, even when referring to herself.

4th position – Yamabuki – Moe! Ninja Girls

There’s no way not to be influenced by a game I’ve been playing recently, which appeared here a short time ago. I admit, I like games with stories with multiple choices, it reminds me of those book-games from my childhood and adolescence, and the Japanese know how to do that very well, with well-thought-out stories. And that in some situations appeal a little to that subtly naughty humor, with the double meaning jokes and embarrassing situations that only happen in games of this type. And the vast majority of them revolve around Yamabuki, one of the protagonist’s classmates and who is also a ninja, with the curious power of turning her drawings into reality.

What I think is really cool about her is her constant desire to break the 4th wall, talking as if she was aware that she’s a character in a game. Always fun and making jokes with everyone, she is quite that kind of girl who is a real friend, despite being very clueless with the jokes. But throughout the plot, one can see how Yamabuki has this playful and childish exterior, but which hides a sweet and affectionate girl, who values ​​her friends very much. Plus she’s pretty cute, especially when she’s in her ninja outfit.

3rd position – Lara Croft – Tomb Raider

There’s no way to make a list of the most nice video games that doesn’t have the best-known female character on computer screens. Lara Croft is the example of a real heroine.
Although I admit that I played few games of hers, I think it’s because I prefer faster games. I only completed the first one, at the time when the graphic quality of the games was very limited and Lara had those triangle-shaped breasts, and I played the following two chapters a little and a mobile game of that style of running and collecting items. But even so, there’s no way to ignore Tomb Raider. Very beautiful, and with a strong, irresistible personality. Although it is unanimous for many, in my opinion she gets the bronze medal in this list.

2nd position – Cammy – Street Fighter

I know… I don’t doubt that someone will appear questioning my list with the expected “what do you mean, why not Chun Li”? Although the leggy Chinese girl who flies like a helicopter is really sensational, I’m following the one character per game rule. While it was really a tough match to select a single representative from the biggest fighting game franchise, my personal choice ended up being little Cammy, the special forces blonde who appeared in Super Street Fighter.

1st position – Blaze – Streets of Rage

I’m sure a lot of people will disagree with me, criticizing my choice for the first position. Perhaps suggesting a participant who was further down the list, or even who was not mentioned. I repeat (for the last time, I hope) that the list is mine, and for me I don’t think there was a more amazing, beautiful and sensational female character than Blaze, from the Streets of Rage porradaria series. For me, it wins by far, even though it’s not as popular as the others.

Even though she is a video game character, they managed to create her very naturally.l, despite the creators having a lot of appeal in their clothing in the second game in the series. And it should be noted that Blaze was one of the first (if not the first) to star in a fighting game. A strong character, who draws a lot of attention, especially in the Japanese version when she launched a flying and ended up “showing a little too much”. For me, Blaze is the most beautiful and charming of them all, and deserves the title of the best of all video games… at least in my opinion.

And that’s it. I have no doubt that you may have disagreed with part or even the entire list. But, as I said above, it’s my personal choice, based on the games I’ve played and enjoyed. That’s what lists are for, everyone has their own opinion, I didn’t come here to present it as something indisputable or definitive (as certain magazines and websites do). It’s just a little record based on the video games that gave me hours of fun in the past… and that still amuse me today.

If you don’t agree, put your list in the comments. As I said, everyone is free to have their own list, select the ten video game characters in your opinion and be happy.



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